Monday, 22 April 2013

April's poem

The sunlight is increasing all the time
And April rain besprinkles after cold
The evidence is of a change of time
The gardeners returning to the fold;
The cabin's taking more than it can hold!
The Spring is very late - even the weeds
Reduced to just competing with the seeds.

Keith Pettitt

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Snake's head fritillaries

Spring is truly here at The Garden Gate and in our woodland I spotted these snake's head fritillaries with our willow fox in the back ground.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

 Well what do you know, it's that time of year again... 

It's National Beanpole Week. We have our own Hazel Bean Poles and Pea Sticks all grown and cut here at the Garden Gate. Everything you could possibly want for all your Legume needs this year.

Finally our large polytunnel has been re-covered and so we can start sowing, growing, pricking-out and potting-on.




We've even started doing some gardening now that Spring has finally Sprung (we hope).
Spuds going in first.