Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Curiouser and curiouser...

©Jo Willis

The Garden Gate has been featured by uber-cool  The Curio in Margate. This can be seen in last Friday's Thanet Gazette (23rd August) in the homes section, or there are more pictures on the Curio website.

Friday, 16 August 2013

August - some rhyming couplets

August! A time to catch the baby snail
Before he has a chance to leave a trail
of holes in leaves, and climbing up the wall,
He makes a getaway before the Fall.
It's June that is the mating time for these -
And broken stems - for them the size of trees
So - what we need - the beak of Mister Thrush
Who with his rhythmic tapping breaks the hush,
So meantime Ben and Keith can take their pick
Removing them from site, complete the Trick.

Keith Pettit