Sunday, 17 August 2014

OPEN DAY 23rd AUGUST 2pm - 5pm

Open Day Saturday 23rd August 2pm - 5pm

Here's what The Boss says...

"Open Day coming up Saturday 23rd August 2pm to 5pm strong tea, proper coffee, great cakes and garden produce...

We also have musician Sally Ironmonger performing songs about the garden as part of Folk Weeks community project...

Come and see us and join in the fun".

Pictures by Timothy S. Winkwworth

Monday, 4 August 2014


Another sunny day has made a start
A swift can reel and pivot 'gainst the sky
The distance sees the gulls pursue their art.
An insubstantial cloud through which to fly -
A vapour trail disintegrates again -
A pigeon flutters past, his luck to try.
A "normal" sort of scene, then, in the main
The rooftops are reflecting summer light
A siren wailing past reveals the strain
That waited in obeisance through the night.
                                                          K Pettitt.