Tuesday 29 April 2014

April Poem

There is a spot at the Garden Gate
Of which we're very fond
With life abounding here of late -
It is of course our pond.
This Winter was not cold enough
To cover it with ice;
Disturbed a little by a puff
Of wind - effect is "nice".
Surrounded by a wooden fence
And verge for several plants
To lean and watch when we are tense
And merge into a trance.
And then, behold! It's feeding time
for fish both black and gold
Emerged in Spring from Winter clime
Survived the Winter's cold.
K.M. Pettitt.

1 comment:

  1. This piece is designed and made by Roberta Butter BA Fine Art at UCA. Part of an exhibition of work from UCA students called 'Garden Life'.
    Including work from Roberta Butter, Eleanor Webb, Tess Hegarty, Sophie Aunger and the Garden Gate community.
